Report summary email
Chris Key
This has been spoken about on Facebook and elsewhere, but couldn't see it specifically here.
Kyle over at The Admin Bar shared the summary report email he sends through Blog Vault. He mocked it up and they made it possible in a day. (His report attached)
It looks like WP Umbrella isn't far off this as you can see in the other attachment, it just needs the extra merge tags/variables in the report email and an option to include or not include the PDF report itself.
Threats blocked may be the one that isn't possible (I lifted that from Patchstack) but the rest are all already in the report PDF itself.
Brad Oliver
Aurelio Volle
Tommaso Baldovino
This could be a great report customization. Some more extra variables and the option to exclude the PDF could definitely work.
Madis Mark
Heh, I just made a similar feature request. This would be great. I would send traffic & conversions data also with that email.
Chris Key
Madis Mark haha I didn't see this and I just commented on your one with a link here (the only reason I saw this!)