Our upcoming feature will provide enhanced flexibility in report sending by allowing you to use multiple sending domains, not just one. This feature caters to the needs of individuals managing several agencies or brands, enabling them to send reports from different domains to match specific branding requirements.
Key Benefits:
  • Brand Alignment:
    Match the sending domain with the agency or brand you're representing, ensuring alignment with your clients' expectations.
  • Enhanced Personalization:
    Customize the sender domain for each report, providing a more tailored and professional experience for recipients.
How Can You Help Us?
  • Vote:
    Show your interest and support by voting for this feature on our roadmap.
  • Share Your Ideas:
    Have additional suggestions or ideas related to report sending flexibility? We're all ears! Share your thoughts with us.
  • Tell Us Why This Is Important for you?
    Share your personal insights on why this feature is important to you to help us understand your perspective.