Redesign PDF report: Please make it fresh and modern
Hey guys,
is it possible to redesign the whole report PDF? It's not a functional feature request but the current report looks like 2012. No front, you're doing an amazing job, but most of the clients here are agencies, designers or web developer with a high design standard. Maybe combined with the possibility of using custom fonts, icons etc. and a general modern rework is something I reeeally would appreciate!
Again, thanks a lot for your hard work! 🙏
Cameron Clancy
They're not too bad, but the pain point is the inability to customize to any great extent.
For example, add our own cover page and back page. Remove gaps at the bottom of sections. Add additional notes. Add images to break up the monotony. Etc.
Aurelio Volle
The existing reports are worlds away better than Manage WP and WP Remote and don't agree they're 2012, but there is room for improvement for sure and looking forward to seeing changes in the future!