Aurelio Volle
in progress
Aurelio Volle
Which information would you like to be communicated to your users?
The number of database optimization realized (ex: the number of time that you click on the button) ?
Offer them a break down of all what was cleaned up (x transients, x spam comment, etc) ?
Anything else?
Rob Watson
Aurelio Volle Clients will probably only care about the overall tally of number of times that the database was optimized. If there's detail about transients, spam comments, etc., it might raise questions ("why is there any spam...I thought you were taking care of that?" to which we'd have to answer "Sometimes spam still gets through.")
Dusin Dauncey
Aurelio Volle - I think having the option on what gets shown will be useful in case some clients want to know exactly what was maintained. But I think the more common use-case will be just to show how many times or how many entities (regardless of type) was cleaned up. And I’d probably assume a short summary of what database optimizations are on the report will be helpful too but hopefully we can customize that part too.
Aurelio Volle
Dusin Dauncey, Rob Watson very useful. Thank you
Joachim B. Auster
Aurelio Volle I agree with Rob and Dustin, the report should contain easy to read and simple to understand information without tech details, so that a manager knows the agency is taking care of.
From my perspective:
Database(s) were optimized x-times
Run times with time-table.
Maybe you provide a custom field to us, where we can write/add/update the explanation what the database optimization does. You could provide the preset and everybody is able to change, if needed.
This description/explanation field could probably make sense on some more places inside umbrella?! ;-) Just as an idea.
But I would suggest, that the explanation custom-field can be edited in settings area, so it is used on all clients the same (not per client).
Aurelio Volle
Rune Rasmussen
Why? ;)
Akira Zabala
Rune Rasmussen I would guess because transparecy and accountability? In any case, better to have it and disable it if not useful for your use case :D
Rune Rasmussen
Akira Zabala not useful info for most I would say, nor the most important feature, anyhow make it disabled by default. ;)